Total Job Benefits vs. Total Employee Compensation

Your company’s culture, mission, and impact help you recruit and retain your industry’s top talent. But the importance of a strong compensation and benefits package can’t be overlooked, either. In fact, according to a recent Gallup poll revealing what employees want most in their next job, “greater work-life balance and better personal wellbeing” was second… Continue reading Total Job Benefits vs. Total Employee Compensation

How to Prevent Payroll Fraud

Your Human Resources and Accounting departments work hard to make your company the fantastic place it is. While they’re doing everything they can do on their end, sometimes things still slip through the cracks, and businesses fall victim to payroll fraud. According to Forbes, payroll fraud is the number one source of accounting fraud and… Continue reading How to Prevent Payroll Fraud

How to Choose the Best Payroll Service for Your Needs

Your organization’s human resources department is critical to the company’s success. Your HR team members are busy – after all, their job duties encompass so much more than just the management of people. An HR professional also controls payroll, administers compensation and benefits, handles legal compliance, and designs and implements training and development initiatives—to name… Continue reading How to Choose the Best Payroll Service for Your Needs

What Better Benefits Administration Can Mean for Your Business

A team of creative professionals looking at the lap top and brainstorming ideas.

Benefits administration can transform your business when it’s done correctly. A business that’s operating better can experience benefits across a wide range of areas. The following five points are what your business could experience with better benefits administration protocol in place.   A Reduction in Payroll Errors   Manual payroll processes leave your business vulnerable… Continue reading What Better Benefits Administration Can Mean for Your Business

Choosing a Benefits Administration System for Your Business

Cropped Image Of Businessman Using Laptop At Desk In Office

There are different kinds of HR technology platforms tailored for businesses in different kinds of industries. It is important to learn what is best for your business before you decide what tech to implement. Another factor to consider is the size of your business. What’s right for a business with a handful of employees is… Continue reading Choosing a Benefits Administration System for Your Business

The Importance of Team Bonding for Your Employees

Team building. Group pf colleagues sitting in a circle and playing games and having fun.

Encouraging your employees to bond can help increase happiness in your workplace and reduce the likelihood that issues will arise that need the attention of your HR team. There are countless ways in which you can encourage your team to bond. It’s a fact that regularly team bonding exercise boost productivity, decreases sick days, and… Continue reading The Importance of Team Bonding for Your Employees

Is HR Outsourcing Right for Your Small Business?

Handwriting text writing Outsourcing. Concept meaning Obtain goods or service by contract from an outside supplier Study notebook register ink pen question mark answer session brown table

When your business grows and you take on more employees, you’ll want to make sure that you’re working as efficiently as possible. To help your business do this, you may wish to outsource your HR. However, is it really worth it? Should HR be outsourced for your small business? Take a look at the following… Continue reading Is HR Outsourcing Right for Your Small Business?

HR Best Practices for Small Business

Hiring your first employees as a new business can be a daunting prospect. Trying to find the perfect person may take forever and be a struggle. Finding someone who can grow into the perfect employee is much easier. Choose someone who holds values that align with you and that your organization will promote.   The… Continue reading HR Best Practices for Small Business

Health Savings Account Comparison: Difference between HSA, HRA, and FSA

HSA, HRA, FSA – Which is Right for Your Business?   These three kinds of accounts can help you to pay for healthcare expenses. Costs such as deductibles, co-pays, and prescription drugs can be better managed by implementing one of these accounts. However, each account has slight differences that should be considered before you decide… Continue reading Health Savings Account Comparison: Difference between HSA, HRA, and FSA